Why film wedding photography is like a quiet luxury in our noisy digital world

We live in a world where everything is fast, loud, and flashy. And we are constantly bombarded by visual content - digital images, videos, and sounds that compete for our attention and overwhelm our senses. We are used to seeing everything in high definition, with sharp details, high contrast, and vivid colors. We are always chasing after the next best thing, the newest trend, and the most popular style. But what if we stop for a moment and completely switch our approach - appreciate the beauty of simplicity, embrace the imperfections, the flaws, and the uniqueness of each moment? What if we choose quality over quantity, elegance over extravagance, and timeless over trendy?

This is where film wedding photography comes in.
For me, film wedding photography is a form of art that could capture the essence of your wedding day in a way that digital photography simply can’t.

Film wedding photography is nostalgic.
It has a soft, grainy, and muted look that evokes a sense of nostalgia and romance. It reminds us of the past times, of the memories we cherish, and of the stories we want to tell. Not only that the images are beautiful, but also there is a hidden meaning embedded in them.

Film wedding photography is intentional.
It requires a different approach than digital photography. It requires using a specific camera that has a limited number of frames per roll (for 35mm - 36, for medium format, it could be between 10 - 16 frames per roll, depending on the type of the medium format 6x6, 6x7 or 6x4,5). All these limitations force the photographer to be more selective, intentional, and creative every time she/he presses the shutter. It also requires more skill and expertise in handling lighting situations, and it definitely does not depend on snapping hundreds of photos and hoping for the best. Film wedding photography is all about crafting each photo with intention and artistry.

Film wedding photography is refined.
Film wedding photography has a minimalist aesthetic that focuses on the subject rather than the background. Done correctly, film photography has clean lines and neutral colors, creating a sense of refinement and sophistication. It appears to clients who are “ in the know” and value understated taste.

Film wedding photography is rare.
This is not a common or accessible type of photography. Film wedding photography requires more investment in terms of money, equipment, and scanning and developing the film. It is not for everyone, but mostly for those who appreciate the value of the timeless approach, artistry, and exquisite craftsmanship.

If you want to make your wedding day stand out from the crowd, consider choosing a film wedding photographer. As a San Francisco-based film wedding photographer, my goal is to give you images that are not only stunning but also have a soul. Images that are like a quiet luxury in our noisy digital world.




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